Monday, 23 March 2009

The story so far...

for the past few days that i have been posting these videos instead of the usual banter, here's what happened in chonological order...

11 March
Went for the Prudential Sales Academy (PSA) at Tripleone Somerset Building. the name of the building used to be Singapore Power Building. then it was dropped, leaving only the address behind, which is 111 Somerset Rd. So, out of fresh ideas, they name the building Tripleone (pronounced try-plea-own) pretend to be chic sounding lah... kanasai...

12 March
PSA day two... its killing me!!!!!!!!

13 March
PSA day three!!!!!

16 March
PSA day four.... made friends with a really cute girl. Joanne from the Tanjong Pagar Prudential office. really funny and very "touchy"... can't she tell ???

17 March
Oh my god... last day of this damnation!! so happy!!

20 March
went for my Health Insurance exams at Singapore College for Insurance. and i passed in the first sitting!! i was totally over the moon!!! so happy!!! haha!!

23 March
my first day in office. the people in Grace's agency were all really cool! there's Debbie, Clift, Harvey (a really lively one) and another lady, also a nice lady. but i forgot her name (Sooooooowwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!)

so that's that, chronicling (is there such a word? chronicle-ling?) my life for the past few days.

really sorry i did not blog during the anime posting... just didn't want to interrupt the flow of the anime videos. anyway, hope you enjoyed Antique Bakery! i'd love to buy the manga (its $25 from Kinokuniya >< )

hope everyone supports me in this new industry that i am venturing into!

see you around!!

(( ) This is Ou-Spo, the Ouran bear!!

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