major power houses will declare war with the main oil producers in the world when these producers decided to halt oil and gas exports. the clashing giants will most probably be
United States versus the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Central America (Venezuela, Suriname, Brasil, Colombia and Mexico)
European Union versus Norway and Russia (this is most probably a very minor one lasting 2 years tops)
United States versus Russia
Internal unrest in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Oceania (Australia and New Zealand), China, the Indian Sub continent (inclusive of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal), Central Africa (Sudan, Congo, Angola, Tanzania), Canada and Central Europe (Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Estonia and East Germany)
prior to the end of the war, oil prices will most probably shoot up to $500,000.00 - $1,250,000.00 per barrel.
the largest nation in the world, Russia, will be divided into 4 to 6 new independent countries by 2085.
The world will then be divided into 0 main power houses;
The New United States of America
- United States of America
- Canada
- Mexico
- Venezuela
- Colombia
The Following countries will opt out of this classification.
- Peru
- Chile
- Argentina
The European Union
- Finland
- Norway
- Germany
- France
- Spain
- Italy
- Turkey
- Romania
- Hungary
- Austria
- Poland
- Czech Republic
- Greece
- Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Slovakia
- Serbia (Montenegro will be a state in Serbia)
- Azerbaijan
The United Arabian States
- Syria
- Iraq
- Jordan
- Saudi Arabia (Yemen and Oman will be integrated into Saudi Arabia)
- Iran
- Egypt
- Lybia
- Algeria
- Morocco
- Eritrea
- Madagascar
- Kenya
- Chad
- Cote d'Ivore
- Angola
- United Arab Emirates
All other nations not named above will be combined into one nation, the African Sub - Continent.
The Allied Japanese Economies
- Japan
- South Korea
- Hong Kong
- Macau
- Thailand
- Malaysia
- Singapore
- Borneo Island
- Sulawesi
- Sakhalin Island
Philippines, Indonesia and the Indian Subcontinent will not enter any allied party.
All other Asian countries, including Russia, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan will enter the Allied Asian Union.
Australia, New Zealand and Tazmania will be renamed Oceania.
after the estblishment of the allies and groups, a main solar generator will power the member countries. which will then lead to the next world war... Duu Duu Duuuuuuuuuu....