Saturday 31 March 2012

Just finished posting a huge wad of useful information on nine muses! phew! now that's off my chest, let's get back to business.

How have you been doing? its been ages since i last updated my blog! i know i'm sorry! anyway i got myself a new pair of vintage glasses! it was so pretty and cost me only like five bucks! hehe and what's even funnier is that when i was commuting in the bus just now to meet my friends, a guy came up to me and asked if he could take a picture of me. he said he loved my glasses. i was flattered and agreed. honestly i hate taking pictures of myself. especially when someone else is taking the picture. i'm not really photogenic and i look really fat on print. seriously.. hahaha..

anywho we chatted quite a bit on the bus and it was nice to hear from someone so enthusiastic about glasses and photography. i even missed my original stop just to continue chatting with him! hahaha. i had to alight and take the train back to my original destination. but i don't mind because i had a blast chatting with a total stranger that made my day.

after that pleasant encounter, i met hubs at United Square for some fast food lunch. Burger King!! yummy!! i love BK! especially when it's made fresh right in front of your eyes. its soooo good! we slacked there for a bit and read the papers (a rare occurence) to update ourselves on the going ons in Singapore. After slacking and staring into each other's eyes we decided to move on and had a ciggy outside by the open space. okay. three ciggies. hahahah it was a lovely weather.

that's about it for today!

oh just so you know, i'm leaving DBS for Income. its been great DBS! ill miss the cheap food, great colleagues, cool work hours and the staff gym.. boo hoo!! my last day with the bank is this coming wednesday! goodbye everyone!!!

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